About Don
Well, what would you like to know about me?
I’ve made the worst mistakes possible, in all facets of my life. And I’ve tried to learn from them.
I’ve had huge heartbreaks, and I’ve recovered. Sometimes more slowly than other times. But I’ve recovered.
I’ve come to see our Spiritual Lives as the ground we walk on, what feeds all the rest of our lives—relationships, work, peace of mind. And when we focus on enhancing our Spiritual Path, everything gets better. Miraculous!
I began my meditation practice in 1976, in my first year of college, and discovered a whole new world that inspired me then, and has lasted all these years to continue to inspire me today.
I’ve worked as a Spiritual Coach and Narrative Therapist since 1986. And I’ve led dozens of workshops, retreats, meditations, courses, and more, and trained hundreds of therapists in the Narrative Approach and in Family Therapy.
I’ve also led 119 portrayals through what I call “Living Theater”, portraying Mahatma Gandhi in the U.S. and in India, and given talks on bringing his philosophy into modern life. Over six trips to India, I’ve dressed in his garb, bringing his iconic presence into universities, schools, and peace festivals, teaching on Gandhi’s life and message.
I even was asked to give a talk on Gandhi’s philosophy to a group of social work students who were visiting Gandhi’s Sabamarti Ashram in Ahmedabad, with me sitting on his very seat in his home—I couldn’t stop crying! (The Gandhi portrayals and talks have been a very wonderful highlight of my life, I can assure you! Read a bit more about my incredible journey below … )
Throughout all the challenges, heartbreaks, triumphs, and successes, I’ve learned one important thing:
We human beings are infinitely resilient
when we set our minds to being so.
Nothing can stop a person who is determined to make their life great— Nothing.
My purpose in life is to help others see this power in themselves, and make it be real.